
时间:2024-11-26 点击数量:

语言之桥 文化之光


语言和文化水乳交融。无论科技如何飞跃,跨文化交际能力永远是我们与世界同行最温柔最有力的支持。十一月,秋意渐浓。四川外国语大学出国培训部(国际学院)第34届英文诵读赛及才艺秀精彩绽放。国家公派出国留学高级英语培训班学员、出国留学项目学生、来华留学生和学院教职工齐聚美丽歌乐; 英文诵读、外语记录片配音和外语才艺秀,学院的优秀学子们多视角多维度地呈现了语言和文化的铿锵风骨,精彩诠释了人工智能时代跨文化交际能力不变的绰约风姿。

开场 —— 多元文化的序曲

院长曾传芳教授为活动致开幕辞。曾院长表示,学院的传统文化活动是学子们展示外语才华的舞台,更是解读文化、畅联世界的桥梁;在全球化时代,提升文化理解力,用多种语言与世界开展深度对话、讲好中国故事是时代赋予我们的崇高使命。来华留学生倾情呈现的歌舞《Dancing in the Global Village》惊艳开幕。留学生们活力四射,精彩诠释了“地球村”的美美与共。

英文诵读 —— 让我们与世界畅联

以“跨文化交际能力“为主题的英文诵读将英语的音韵之美和探索世界的宽广视角有机融合。朱永超(贵州大学)、罗茜(遵义医科大学附属医院)、张睿鑫(黔东南州人民医院)、 杨涵文(兰卡项目)、钟岳杉(IFC项目)、杨智凯和王博文(国际本科2+2项目)的英文诵读发音标准、节奏适宜、流畅自然、情感丰富、感染力强,每一个音韵都蕴含着不负韶华的时代使命感。

外语纪录片配音 —— 跨越国界的文化故事


外语才艺秀 —— 乐动世界

When words fail, music speaks. 音乐和舞蹈永远是人类情感的最佳载体。访学一班的《Five Hundred Miles》、访学二班的《A Little Love》,访学三班和国际本科2+2项目的《You Raise Me Up》合唱将人类的多维情感优雅诠释。作为压轴曲目,来华留学生们的舞蹈《When I dream of you》惊艳全场。舞者们将现代舞与音乐完美融合,用轻盈的舞步勾勒出一个关于梦想与回忆的感人故事,撰写了一曲跨文化友谊的迷人赞歌。

落幕 —— 展望未来


英文诵读文本 —— 全球化时代的跨文化交际能力

The Importance of Cultural Competence in a Globalized World

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In today’s interconnected world, cultural competence is more than just a skill—it’s a vital tool for us to thrive in the global community. As China’s influence grows in areas like trade, technology, and diplomacy, developing cultural competence will be essential for each of us to succeed on the world stage. President Xi Jinping once said, “We must respect the diversity of civilizations and promote harmonious coexistence.” This wisdom reminds us that, as we engage with the world, it is crucial for us to understand and appreciate different cultures while preserving our own.

First, fostering cross-cultural awareness is essential. For example, in Western cultures, time management and individual accountability are often prioritized, while here in China, informal networking and relationship-building can be just as important as formal meetings. By deeply understanding these cultural differences, we can develop trust and create smoother interactions, both professionally and socially.

Second, adapting to diverse communication styles is key to successful collaboration. In China, we often emphasize indirectness and maintaining harmony in our communication. However, in many Western cultures, directness and open dialogue are fundamental in building strong relationships. By learning how to navigate these differences—when to be direct and when to prioritize subtlety—we can bridge gaps in understanding and enhance our cross-cultural interactions.

Furthermore, we must remain open to learning from other cultures. Whether it’s adopting new technologies, gaining insights into different leadership styles, or exploring diverse educational systems, our openness to learning will ensure that we continue to grow and adapt in this increasingly globalized world.

In conclusion, as China continues to shape and be shaped by the global landscape, cultural competence will be essential for our success. By understanding different cultural norms, adapting our communication styles, embracing a mindset of learning, we can strengthen our interactions with the world. Somy dear friends let us commit to nurturing our cultural competence, for by adapting to the global stage, we will not only thrive but also lead it.

Thank you.


版权所有@四川外语大学 渝ICP备05001033