
潮头歌大风     兼容并包谱华章



我们的教学团队热爱外语培训事业、拥有丰富的海外访学或留学经历、专业素养高。我们弘扬以学员需求为中心的交际式、任务式外语教学理念,致力于科学构建培训课程,营造浸润式外语学习环境,以有效提升参培学员的外语交际能力及全球胜任力。多年来,约6万余位优秀学员在秀丽的歌乐山下相遇成长、结下了浓郁的 歌乐情缘,成为助力中外文明“美美与共、文明共鉴”的友好使者。

语言学习是对未来的价值投资。 欢迎您加入充满活力的歌乐川外学习大社区。




Founded in 1979, the SISU MOE Training Center for Overseas Study is one of the eleven nationally-accredited foreign language training centers affiliated to the Ministry of Education (MOE), P. R. China. We  facilitate global cooperation and understanding, and contribute to the national strategy of reinvigorating China through the development of a high-performing workforce.

Over the past four decades, the Center has created  a wide range of  effective foreign language training programs, offering language instruction in eight languages for academic visitors and postgraduates sponsored by China Scholarship Council,  university academics and professional researchers, employees of government agencies and businesses, primary and middle-school foreign language teachers as well as other foreign language learners.

Our faculty are recognized experts in high-intensity foreign language training. They are well-trained in language teaching, are equipped with leading-edge teaching philosophy and have gained profound overseas educational experiences. Our center fosters a strong student-centered and communicative approach to teaching. Our highly structured, customized curriculum, expert faculty and intensive immersion environment ensure fast-paced, rapid progress in language learning and effective cross-cultural communication. Over the years, more than 60,000 learners have been empowered by their SISU learning experiences and are serving as goodwill ambassadors in promoting global cultural and academic exchanges.

A language education can be a valuable investment in your own future. We welcome youto  join our dynamic SISU learning community, and experience the charm of navigating the unprecedented changes the future will certainly bring! The world is your stage!




中国 ·重庆· 歌乐山麓


版权所有@四川外语大学 渝ICP备05001033